Sequoia National Park by JohnDukesPhotography
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  2. Sequoia National ParkSequoia National Park
Sequoia National Park
Here is another image I captured of the giant Sequoia trees looking straight up. Once again, I show with a wide angle lens for it is the only way to capture the entire tree from top to bottom.
Sequoia National Park Giant Trees
The beautiful Sequoia trees at Sequoia National Park in California. No words can truly describe how beautiful and incredible these trees are. I learned so much about them when I visited this place the other day and I really wish I had a person standing next to the trunk of one of these trees so you can really see how massive they are. I shot this image with a wide angle lens, at 16mm and was actually pretty close to the trees. The lens I used actually gives the appearance that everything in the subject is being pushed away from the camera. I was all by myself here and did not have a person to shoot next to the tree and I wish I did so it would put it in perspective so that you can see the sheer size of the trees. Here are some of the things I learned about these magnificent trees. They have a lifespan of 3000 years and the giant sequoias can only be found in this park and nowhere else in the world! Their branches can be up to 8 feet in diameter and the bark surrounding the trees are 3 feet deep. 3 fe
Sequoia National Park Sequoia National Park Giant Trees
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